Virtual world of video games seems to be a replica of the mall in the real world. Just like in a real shopping mall, inside a video game that offers a variety of virtual objects too, shopping habits remain dominated by women.
At least this conclusion is derived from the results of the survey research firm VGMarket against gamers in the United States (U.S.). Results of a survey conducted during July 2011 involving 1,000 players drawn at random from the database VGMarket.
According to the study, nearly 31 percent of the general population of gamers willing to spend their money on the content or virtual objects. As many as 57 percent of shoppers a virtual object, 57 percent are known to make a purchase virtual objects at least once a month.
Interestingly, women remain unbeaten in the affairs of spending both in real and virtual world. Women are three times more shopping virtual objects using Facebook credit - currency on Facebook - than men.
Quoted by Forbes, Monday (08/08/2011), women outperformed men in a virtual shopping items in the MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) with an average of EUR 111 (women) and USD 74 (men), when shopping directly from the game maker . As for expenditures from a third party, the average is $ 86 (women) and USD 77 (men).
Women are also known to love spending money buying virtual items in almost all categories of games. They spend more on MMO games like World of Warcraft - EUR 86, while men only USD 77 -, PC games ($ 80 versus EUR 62), social networking games such as Farmville (USD 54 vs. USD 46), and the sort of casual games Bejeweled 2 (EUR 51 versus EUR 36).
Except for the game free-to-play, both are equally benefiting nearly balanced for the game publisher. Men spend an average of USD 62 for this game, while the woman $ 56. While gaming consoles, both men and women alike spend $ 60.
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