Thursday, August 25, 2011

Killing Bored With Gadget, Creativity Come Off?

Presumably, for many people today, his magic box is no longer feasible given on television. Magic box currently has a small form, easily grasped, and able to provide a wider range of stimuli.

Magic box when this is a smartphone, a handheld device that has the capability of telecommunications (telephone, SMS). The word smart in front of it refers to connectivity to the internet and the ability of the 'brain' is strong.

Smartphone capable of stimulating more than just watch television. Through this magical objects, users can instantly pour out his heart in the world.

With quick touches, either on the button or on the screen, she can immediately convey their thoughts to the world via Twitter. No matter whether the world actually want to listen or not.

Feedback is also expected to be achieved soon. Through events like the retweet and mention, users can immediately feel the sensation of attention of others.

Smartphone also provides many applications. Thousands of applications available for your favorite smartphone platforms such as IOS, Android or BlackBerry.

Through the application of many kinds, also seemed to smartphone users do not have time to stare in astonishment. Busway is waiting at the bus stop? Rather than boredom, remove the smartphone. Loss? Check the Twitter used to deh.

Even when the draft was obliged to carry smartphones. So (lest) the availability of the signal in the toilet is more important than the availability of tissue.

Smartphone was so successful that an effective means of killing boredom. For any situation, anytime anywhere.

Kill Bored?

In a column in the Wall Street Journal, a humor writer and cartoonist Scott Adams, questioned whether it was boredom deserve to be killed. Dilbert Creator argued, boredom actually proven delivery of innovation and creativity.

Citing research psychologists, Adams says that the brain needs to process the thoughts of boredom and build creativity. Pause for a moment arising from the tedium that is believed to give time for the brain to develop a solution.

The key is in the word 'moment'. Boredom is a moment that arises because the brain concludes that no new or useful things that can be learned from the environment, people, activities or of certain paragraphs.

Well, a moment of boredom, it is said the brain can be stimulated to produce creative things. These ideas can be born out of his reverie when bored, or graffiti scrawled on the sidelines of a dull meeting.

Stimulation of in this will certainly be different from the stimuli from the outside like that experienced when filling the boredom with access to the smartphone.

Perhaps, it's good to not constantly stuffing the brain with a variety of external stimuli to kill the boredom. Let the occasional pause for a moment appeared without having to be killed, who knows from there was born a brilliant idea.

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