My favorite RPG games that have been released and my list of Best PS3 RPG Games are:
Demon's Souls
Final Fantasy XIII
That's a short list isn't here? The good news!? They are BOTH coming out with a sequel! Why did I like these games so much? I'll give you the short version! Demon's souls is an incredibly fun game, but hard as hell! At least it is when you first start playing it. It's a tough concept but in the game you are actually meant to die! You will probably die often as well. It's annoying because you would lose all your souls, which is the games form of money, experience, and used for pretty much all the important stuff.
Thankfully you can get it back, but only IF you make it back to where you died, without dying... if you died again they were lost forever. A concept I learned the hard way my first day or two of playing (LOL). Once you get the hang of the controls, and familiar with the levels the games is quite a bit easier, the game is fair... if you get killed it's not because the enemy cheated but because you messed up... although there is one enemy known as the Red-Eyed Knight during the first level that is very hard, but you will see notes to avoid going that direction if you are a newbie.
He CAN be beat though you just have to know the level or know how to use your character. You may have noticed there is an online feature where people leave helpful notes! Many other cool online features as well where you could get help and play through levels and beat bosses together... and even fight each other! But the game can be frustrating... and this game is hard! But this games tops my list of favorites... There is actually a video on the net of someone beating the whole game in under an hour though, so maybe it's not that hard... or maybe he is just REALLY good!
Why did I like Final Fantasy XIII? Some people had nothing but bad things to say about it. Just look around for some reviews you'll see something similar to "Final Fantasy XIII epic fail"... then there are the people who liked it(like me)! I will say that I was expecting it to be better than it was though, as I was waiting for it's release for half a decade. That's almost 25% of my life! Still the game had a great story backed by amazing HD cinemas.
You'll fall in love with the characters... although some people have said the high pitched noises made by a girl name Vanille can get quite annoying, I didn't notice this at all two times playing through the game though so maybe some people are crazy. I thought the voice acting in the game was done quite well.
I think You'll fall in love with the characters. This game was pretty linear though through the first half or more of the game with limiting options on where you can go and what you can do which was the main difference between this game and other Final Fantasy games. That may be why some people didn't like it. I've been a fan of Final Fantasy games for most of my life though, and this game didn't change that.
What to be excited about?
Dark Souls! A.K.A. Demon's Souls 2
Final Fantasy XIII-2
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