Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Angry Birds maker entered Indonesia

Instigators of mobile games must be familiar with the Angry Birds. Well, if nothing gets in the way, this game pembesut - Rovio - is scheduled to 'perch' in Indonesia

Representatives from the Rovio Publisher planned to be one of the speakers at the conference at the peak of Indonesia ICT Award 2011 which took place on October 4 to 5 at the Jakarta Convention Center.

Speakers other world is also scheduled to be present which is the creator Ian Livingstone Tom Rider and Squere Enix as publisher of Final Fantasy.

While local speakers, among others, featuring the Minister of Communications and Informatics Tifatul Sembiring, Trade Minister Marie Elka Pangestu and Minister Hatta Rajasa as well as from other telecommunications industries.

Participants who wish to share experiences with practitioners and creators in the field of animation, games, and develop digital business side can also attend various workshops with speakers from Nokia, Microsoft, and Square Enix.

In addition, in the event there will also top the national level Robotics competition which also made the event Pra International Robot Olympiad (IRO) which will be held in Jakarta in December next.

The series of activities INAICTA 2011 itself has entered a period of judging. Where the total of participants who participate reach 1765 registrants.

A total of 393 participants of whom entered the professional ketagori individuals, 212 groups of professionals, professional companies / institutions as much as 216, as many as 421 individual students and student groups of 523 people.

The number of categories that are contested there are 28, consists of 16 professional categories and 12 categories of students. From the number of registrants as mentioned above, which sends the work and is entitled to dijurikan at the first stage of judging as much as 758 works.

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